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"Finally I have learned something that applies to real life situations!"

"...exceeded my expectations from the material taught and it's application in real life to the superior teaching method applied."

"Being a police officer, I thought that my gun was the most lethal weapon..."

"I now know that my brain is the most lethal weapon and I no longer will fear over getting into a situation where I can't get to my weapon or whether someone attempts to take my weapon. Excellent!"

"Surpassed any expectations that I could have imagined."

"At last someone tells the truth! Everything was broken down to the simplest of terms and nothing was kept secret from anyone. Well Done!" 
Here's a Reminder Of All That You'll Get:
  •  The how and why of using violence to survive...
  •  How to cause as much damage as a bullet, with your bare hands...
  •  Why most "knife defense" techniques will get you killed...
  •  The #1 Secret of Survival that nobody is talking about and why its the ONLY thing that will tip the scales in your favor...
  •  73 weak areas on the human body you can exploit to your advantage...
  •  Why most "fancy" moves and "fighting techniques" are completely useless in a REAL WORLD fight...
  •  How to WIN against bigger, faster, and armed attackers when your life depends on it....

Extreme Close Combat Shooting

In this landmark series, Australian SAS teach you lessons bought with blood on the field of battle…

Blueprints Of Destruction

The MOST Advance Target Focus Training Program Ever Developed... yours FREE when you join today
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